Social Security and Medicare
Social Security and Medicare are programs established by the federal government. Social Security provides income during your retirement years and provides income protection should you become disabled. Medicare provides medical insurance during retirement or if you are disabled.
You are required by law to contribute a portion of your paycheck to fund Social Security and Medicare. The amount of contribution required to fund these programs is significant; fortunately, BJC funds half of the contribution for you.
Here's an example of an employee earning $50,000 per year:
BJC Social Security contribution
$3,100 (6.20% of $50,000)
Your Social Security contribution
$3,100 (6.20% of $50,000)
BJC Medicare contribution
$725 (1.45% of $50,000)
Your Medicare contribution
$725 (1.45% of $50,000)
Total contribution
$7,650 (15.30% of earnings)
The FICA tax starts over every January. For 2023, the FICA tax rate for employers is 7.65%: 6.2% for Social Security and 1.45% for Medicare (the same as in 2022). The Medicare tax rate is applicable to all wages paid during the year. An additional 0.9% in Medicare taxes applies to individuals with annual earned income of more than $200,000, and $250,000 for married taxpayers who file jointly. The maximum earnings subject to the Social Security payroll tax is $168,600.
Learn more at the Social Security website or the Medicare website.
Social Security FAQ Videos
Select a question to view the video answer. Videos are approximately three minutes or less.
How do I decide when to collect Social Security?
What are some basics of Social Security?