Working-Spouse Surcharge for Medical Coverage

To help control medical costs, we have a spousal surcharge for employees who choose to enroll their spouse in BJC’s medical plan when they have available coverage through their own employer. During benefits enrollment, you will be asked to verify whether your spouse works and has access to medical coverage through their employer. If they have access to other group coverage but are enrolled in our coverage, you will pay an additional $50 per-pay-period surcharge for medical coverage.

The Working-Spouse Surcharge will not apply if:

  • You do not have a spouse, or you do not plan to enroll your spouse in BJC medical coverage.
  • Your spouse is not employed, or your spouse is not employed and has access to medical coverage in a government-sponsored medical plan, such as Medicare, Medicaid or Tricare, or through a retiree medical plan from his/her former employer.
  • Your spouse is employed, but not eligible for his/her employer’s group medical plan.
  • Your spouse is self-employed and is not eligible for group medical coverage.
  • Your spouse is employed by BJC Health System.